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Diary From the Front Lines

Toiling in the Herb Garden or Sitting in the Field of Dreams

Christian G. Wolff, MD

Published: December 1, 2000

Article Abstract

Because this piece does not have an abstract, we have provided for your benefit the first 3 sentences of the full text.

MondayTP has been worked into the schedule this afternoon after a frantic call fromhis wife. This 42-year-old man was driving between work sites this afternoonwhen he was overcome by an overwhelming sense of doom. He pulled off theroad, closed his eyes for a few minutes, and the feeling disappeared as quicklyas it had come. At the office, he felt fine. A review of his history and anexamination were unremarkable. He had never had an episode like this, and hewas quite understandably unnerved. Of interest, his wife has a long history ofpanic, which is controlled by paroxetine.

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Volume: 2

Quick Links: Anxiety , Panic Disorder
