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Letter to the Editor

Allergic Reaction to Depot Risperidone but Not to Oral Risperidone

Roy R. ReevesDO, PhD, and James E. Mack, PhD

Published: July 15, 2005

Article Abstract

Because this piece has no abstract, we have provided for your benefit the first 3 sentences of the full text.

Sir: Oral risperidone is an effective and well-tolerated atypicalantipsychotic1 that has been in widespread clinical usage forover 10 years. In recent years, a long-acting injectable form ofdepot risperidone with a delivery system different from otherdepot antipsychotics became available in the United Statesfollowing several years of marketing in other countries. Thisformulation consists of risperidone microencapsulated in 7525polylactide-co-glycolide (PLG) at a concentration of 381 mgof risperidone per gram of microspheres2; the PLG slowly hydrolyzesto release risperidone, allowing administration every2 weeks.

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Volume: 66

Quick Links: Dementia , Neurologic and Neurocognitive
