ADHD medication

Find the latest research on ADHD medication is the leading source for peer-reviewed, evidence-based information on ADHD medication and other attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) research. Through articles, case reports, and analyses, lets you access the most scientifically rigorous information on diagnosing ADHD and treating ADHD in children and adults. Explore the newest advances in understanding ADHD symptoms and managing ADHD and depression, as well as the latest research in a broad range of additional mental health topics.

Along with the most up-to-date information on mental health and CNS disorders, you’ll find a wealth of CME related to ADHD medication and ADHD and ADD symptoms in adults and children, offered through the CME Institute of Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc. Earn credits at your convenience by reviewing articles, webcasts, original research, and multimedia publications.

Register for free today to learn more about all the advantages that offers or choose a paid subscription for complete access to all articles and research on ADHD medication and more.

Your source for peer-reviewed ADHD articles offers a deep archive of research and information on ADHD medication and other topics in behavioral health and neuropsychiatric disorders. Content on is drawn from The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry (JCP), a leading source of peer-reviewed articles that is among the top 10 most-cited journals in the field. Additionally, publishes content from The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders (PCC), an online publication that advances the clinical expertise of primary care physicians and other professionals who treat patients with mental and neurologic illnesses. offers information on ADHD medication and other topics through articles, commentaries, original research, meta-analyses, Academic Highlights, case reports, Brief Reports, and psychopharmacology reports. Research related to ADHD medication includes titles such as:

Earn CME credits with resources on ADHD medication and the CME Institute at provide an easy and convenient way to satisfy CME requirements and to track and report on credits earned. You’ll find a broad assortment of CME activities, from journal articles and supplements to newsletters, webcasts, multimedia publications and more. Most CME activities are free and are easily accessible with a free registration on and

Along with access to CME activities, provides access to a free online tool (MyCME) at for recording your participation in CME activities. You can track activities that you’ve started and want to return to later, as well as activities that you have finished. MyCME also allows you to print transcripts and certificates documenting credits you have earned.

CME activities concerning ADHD and ADHD medication include:

FAQs on research in ADHD medication

You can view many articles about ADHD medication on with a free registration on the website. Registered users may view the full text of articles from The Primary Care Companion and the full text of certain supplements and free articles from The Journal of Clinical PsychiatryA paid subscription to JCP provides you with complete access to all articles that have appeared in the journal from 1997 to present.

To subscribe to The Journal of Clinical Psychiatrysimply visit the subscription page on our website. Here you may choose between an online-only subscription or an online/print subscription.

You may participate in nearly all CME activities on and at no charge. Occasionally, you may find there is a $10 processing fee associated with CME activities that have no commercial support.

MyCME is an online tool offered through that records your participation in CME activities. To create a MyCME account, simply register as a user for free on or With your MyCME account, you can keep track of activities that you have completed as well as activities you have begun and want to return to later. In your MyCME account, you’ll find a record of credits you have earned online, and you can immediately print CME certificates or transcripts of credits earned once you have completed posttests and evaluations.

Subscribe to JCP for full access to ADHD resources

When you subscribe to The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, you’ll enjoy complete access to every article and feature in the journal from 1997 to the present. Search the index to find all available articles on ADHD medication and other topics and enjoy first access to new issues as soon as they are released. With a print/online or online-only subscription, you’ll also have access to blogs, podcasts, electronic alerts, and new content in JCP weekly and PCC weekly, along with access to CME activities available on

Register on to view free ADHD medication articles

If you’re not yet ready to subscribe to JCP, a free registration on allows you to access many of the features available on the website. You’ll have access to the full text of all articles and supplements from The Primary Care Companion as well as the full text of supplements and free articles from The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. Your registration includes access to CME activities through and a free MyCME account where you can track your CME credits earned. Additionally, you can subscribe to podcasts, read blogs, and get Elerts about the latest resources available on ADHD medication.

About, a digital property of Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc., compiles articles, research, and CME activities from three sources: The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders, and the CME Institute at is dedicated to providing lifelong learning opportunities for clinicians through evidence-based, peer-reviewed scientific information and CME activities. includes a broad array of materials for psychiatrists, mental health professionals, primary care physicians and other clinicians who treat patients with mental and neurologic illnesses. Subjects include articles and research on ADHD symptoms, bipolar disorder symptoms and treatment, frontotemporal dementia and other forms of dementia, major depression diagnosis and major depressive disorder medications, diagnosis of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder, and many other aspects of cognition research and family psychiatry.