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ASCP Corner

All Antipsychotics Are Equal, but Some Are More Equal Than Others

Jan Volavka and Leslie Citrome

Published: March 16, 2009

Article Abstract

One of the "atypical" features of second-generation antipsychotics(SGAs) that was quickly appreciated by cliniciansand patients shortly after their introduction was that thesemedications were shown to elicit fewer extrapyramidal sideeffects than the first-generation antipsychotics (FGAs). Earlyhead-to-head comparisons of some first-line SGAs with FGAsin patients with schizophrenia also demonstrated better efficacyin terms of overall symptom reduction in studies comparingrisperidone and olanzapine with haloperidol. However, laterstudies failed to demonstrate the superiority of SGAs overFGAs in effectiveness or safety.

Volume: 70

Quick Links: Psychotic Disorders , Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorders

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